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Monday, 22 February 2016

If you consume artificial sweeteners like aspartame popularly called sugar-free on a daily basis, you might have already started suffering from memory loss. Worse, it is, in fact, a slow poison and you probably are already put on a death list.

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is 200 times sweeter than sugar Aspartame is 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% methanol. All these components are deadly and hazardous for life. Phenylalanine is a known cause of cancer when it decomposes into diketopiperazine upon long storage. In a clinical trial Aspartic was found to cause holes in the brains of mice. Methanol is a well known to be toxic and produces formaldehyde in the body. If you did not know, Formaldehyde is a fluid that is used for preserving dead bodies in the mortuary.

If taken regularly and if the intake exceeds a minimum quantity every day, aspartame (sugar-free) is known to have ‘neurotoxic effects’ that is sure to cause memory loss, headaches, stomach disorders and also seizures.

However, users of aspartame do no die immediately and the side effects become visible after a prolonged period of regular use. Over consumption of aspartame on a regular basis kills neurons in the brain and therefore are literally called excitotoxins i.e. toxin that excites the brain cells to death. In other words, aspartame kills the brain cells.

Though aspartame is popularly believed to help us in losing weight as it contains 0% calories, experts, however, claim the contrary, saying aspartame can cause weight gain because two of its components, phenylalanine and aspartic acid, encourage the release of insulin in the blood stream. The release of insulin in the blood removes all the glucose, thereby causing sugar cravings and consequent overeating. 

Aspartame is more harmful for people who are diabetic and suffer from hypertension and also equally harmful for those who smoke. Aspartame is equally dangerous for infants or children as also for lactating mothers. Continued use of aspartame by pregnant women is found to cause birth defects, mental retardation and also diabetes in new born babies. Despite its dangerous side effects, aspartame is nevertheless, widely used as the same is approved by the government authorities in the interest of the business community who create a fall impression that it is safe just to further their commercial objective. Whether to consume or not to consume aspartame/sugar-free, is a decision you have to take! The body is all yours.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

You would love to see these Diabetes Memes:
Diabetes Meme No. 1

Diabetes Meme No. 2

Diabetes Meme No. 3

Diabetes Meme No. 4

Diabetes Meme No. 5

Diabetes Meme No. 6

Diabetes Meme No. 7

Diabetes Meme No. 8

Diabetes Meme No. 9

Diabetes Meme No. 10

Diabetes Meme No. 11

Diabetes Meme No. 12

Diabetes Meme No. 13

Diabetes Meme No. 14

Diabetes Meme No. 15

Diabetes Meme No. 16

Diabetes Meme No. 17

Diabetes Meme No. 18

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Diabetes, often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus, is a condition wherein your body fails to properly process the food you eat. In fact, unlike it is popularly believed, Diabetes is not caused by eating too much sugar. You get diabetes, when your body cells are unable to absorb glucose owing to non production or inadequate production of insulin by the pancreas.

Normally, when a healthy person eats, his body breaks down the food into simple sugar glucose. When this glucose enters the blood and the blood sugar level increases, the pancreas automatically starts releasing insulin. This Insulin is a hormone that enables body cells to absorb glucose and thereby use the same for energy. If the pancreas doesn't produce insulin or does not produce enough insulin or otherwise the cells become resistant to insulin, you get the disease or condition called diabetes i.e., your blood sugar levels keep on rising and consequently you get various cardio vascular ailments. This is how you get diabetes. The glucose in the bloodstream remains until it is passed through urine. Diabetes or rising sugar levels in the blood leads to a number of health problems in the body including increasing level of cholesterol in the arteries and veins. Thus, in simple words, you get diabetes when your pancreas does not produce insulin or produce enough insulin or your body cells become resistant to insulin i.e. unable to use insulin to breakdown glucose to release energy.

Diabetes is classified as Type I or Type II.

In case of Type I diabetes, the pancreas does not produce insulin at all owing to damage or malfunctioning of pancreatic cells called islets which is caused by defects in the immune system. As a result, the blood glucose levels in the body keeps on rising. Type I diabetes sufferers usually have to take insulin injections and monitor their blood glucose levels throughout the day.

In case of Type II diabetes, the pancreas gets used to high levels of glucose in the blood and either stops making enough insulin, or doesn't make any at all. Type II diabetes case comprises 90%-95% of all cases of diabetes. Type II develops due to a high calorie diet paired with sedentary lifestyle. Type II diabetes sufferers also have to monitor their glucose levels but generally do not have to take insulin injections. Type II sufferers have to take insulin in only 40 percent of cases. Type II diabetes is curable and if one adjusts his diet and increases physical exercise, the pancreas will start producing insulin normally and blood sugar levels will come down. So, by eating healthy low-carb diet and exercising regularly you can get rid of Type II diabetes.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

If you have diabetes, it is important that you choose your food wisely. Your body needs carbs, but a excess of carbohydrates is not good for diabetics. The following is the best diabetic food list that you can follow:

Best List of Diabetic Food Choices for Cereals: (You must strictly adhere to this List)
  • Whole-grain bread. 
  • Baked sweet potato or baked white potato or baked steak fries. 
  • Whole-grain Flour 
  • Corn Tortillas. 
  • Corn & popcorn or products made from corn. 
  • Whole Wheat Flour 
  • Brown rice. 
  • Other Cereals containing little added sugar 
Worst List of Diabetic Food Choices for Cereals: (You must avoid this list)
  • White Bread 
  • White Flour 
  • Fried white-flour tortillas 
  • White Rice 
  • Other Cereals with lots of sugar and little whole grains. 
Best List of Diabetic Food Choices for Vegetables: (You must strictly adhere to this List) 
  • Canned vegetables low in salt. 
  • Beans and legumes 
  • Lettuces, kale, spinach, arugula 
  • Fresh vegetables (Raw, steamed, roasted, or grilled) 
  • Lightly steamed Plain frozen vegetables. 
Worst List of Diabetic Food Choices for Vegetables: (You must avoid this list)
  • Pickles (if you have high blood pressure) 
  • Sauerkraut, (if you have high blood pressure) 
  • Canned vegetables with high salt content. (if you have high blood pressure) 
  • Vegetables cooked with butter, cheese, or sauce. 
Best List of Diabetic Food Choices for Fruits: (You must strictly adhere to this List) 
  • Fresh fruits 
  • Plain frozen fruits or fruits canned in fruit juice 
  • Sugar-free or low-sugar jams 
  • No-sugar-added applesauce 
  • 100% fruit juices. 
Worst List of Diabetic Food Choices for Fruits: (You must strictly avoid this List)
  • Canned fruit with heavy sugar syrup 
  • Regular jam & jelly 
  • Sweetened applesauce 
  • Chewy fruit rolls. 
  • Fruit punch, fruit juices containing added sugar. 
  • Bananas 
Best List of Diabetic Food Choices for Meat and Other Proteins (You must strictly adhere to this List)
  • Baked, broiled, grilled, or stewed meats 
  • Low-fat cuts of meat, such as top sirloin 
  • Turkey bacon 
  • Low-fat cheeses 
  • Sea Fish 
  • Skinless breast of chicken or turkey 
  • Baked, broiled, steamed, or grilled fish 
  • Tofu lightly sautéed, steamed, or cooked in soup 
  • Beans 
  • Eggs 
  • Nuts 
Worst List of Diabetic Food Choices for Meat and Other Proteins: (You must strictly avoid this List)
  • Fried meats 
  • Higher-fat cuts of meat, such as ribs 
  • Pork bacon 
  • Regular cheeses 
  • Poultry with skin 
  • Fried fish 
  • Fried tofu 
  • Beans prepared with lard 
Best List of Diabetic Food Choices for Dairy Products (You must strictly adhere to this List)
  • Skimed Milk 
  • Low-fat yogurt 
  • Low-fat cottage cheese 
  • Low-fat or nonfat sour cream 
  • Frozen low-fat, low-carb yogurt 
Worst List of Diabetic Food Choices for Dairy Products: (You must strictly avoid this List)
  • Whole milk 
  • Regular yogurt 
  • Regular cottage cheese 
  • Regular sour cream 
  • Regular ice cream 
Best List of Diabetic Food Choices for Fats, Oils, and Sweets (You must strictly adhere to this List)
  • Baked snacks, such as baked potato chips, baked corn chips, puffed rice, or corn snacks, in small portions 
  • Vegetable oils, non-hydrogenated butter spreads, margarine 
  • Reduced-fat mayonnaise 
  • Light salad dressings 
  • Air-popped or calorie-controlled popcorn 
  • Condiments (low-sugar if possible) 
  • Salsa 
Worst List of Diabetic Food Choices for Fats, Oils, and Sweets: (You must strictly avoid this List)
  • Snacks fried in fat, such as potato chips, corn chips, pork rinds 
  • Lard, hydrogenated vegetable shortening, butter 
  • Regular mayonnaise 
  • Regular salad dressings 
  • Butter-flavored stove-top popcorn 
Best List of Diabetic Food Choices for Beverages (You must strictly adhere to this List)
  • Water, unflavored or flavored sparkling water 
  • Light beer, small amounts of wine or non-fruity mixed drinks 
  • Unsweetened tea (add a slice of lemon) 
  • Coffee, black or with added low-fat milk and sugar substitute 
  • Plain coffee and hot chocolate 
  • Sports drinks in limited quantities 
Worst List of Diabetic Food Choices for Beverages: (You must strictly avoid this List)
  • Regular sodas 
  • Regular beer, fruity mixed drinks, dessert wines 
  • Sweetened tea 
  • Coffee with sugar and cream 
  • Flavored coffees and chocolate drinks 
  • Energy drinks